Diego Garaialde

Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoctoral research fellow in Human-Computer Interaction at the School of Computer Science, University College Dublin. Research focused on using cognitive science theories to enhance our understanding of how people use technology, including areas such as nudges, persuasive design, and combating deceptive design practices.

Research Experience

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UCD (CS): July 2022 - Present

Freelance Consulting at Quiroz Design: September 2022 - November 2023

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UCD (ICS): January 2021 - June 2022

Research Assistant at UCD (ICS): October 2015 - November 2020


2020 - PhD in Human-Computer Interaction from UCD

2016 - MSc in Cognitive Science from School of Computer Science, UCD

2014 - BSc in Psychology from Dublin City University

Mentoring & Supervision

Teaching Experience

Deeply committed to high-quality teaching at graduate and undergraduate levels, with experience teaching across a range of courses.

Module Co-ordinator & Lecturer

Occasional Lecturer, Demonstrator/Tutor



Peña, P. R., Doyle, P., Edwards, J., Garaialde, D., Rough, D., Bleakley, A., ... & Cowan, B. R. (2023). Audience design and egocentrism in reference production during human-computer dialogue. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 176, 103058.

Peña, P. R., Doyle, P. R., Garaialde, D., Wu, Y., McDonnell, R., & Cowan, B. R. (2023). Human Speakers Help Machine Listeners To Account For Visual Asymmetries in Dialogue. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (pp. 1-13). ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3571884.3597124

Reverdy, J., Russell, S. O. C., Duquenne, L., Garaialde, D., Cowan, B. R., & Harte, N. (2022, June). RoomReader: A Multimodal Corpus of Online Multiparty Conversational Interactions. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 2517-2527).

Garaialde, D., Cox, A., & Cowan B. R. (2021). Designing Gamified Rewards to Encourage Repeated App Selection: Effect of Reward Placement. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 102661. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2021.102661

Gould, S. J., Chuang, L. L., Iacovides, I., Garaialde, D., Cecchinato, M. E., Cowan, B. R., & Cox, A. L. (2021, May). A Special Interest Group on Designed and Engineered Friction in Interaction. In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-4).

Garaialde, D., Bowers, C. P., Pinder, C., Shah, P., Parashar, S., Clark, L., Cowan, B. R. (2020). Quantifying the Impact of Making and Breaking Interface Habits. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. DOI:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2020.102461

[Honourable Mention] Clark, L., Doyle, P., Garaialde, D., Gilmartin, E., Schlögl, S., Edlund, J., ... R Cowan, B. (2019). The state of speech in HCI: trends, themes and challenges. Interacting with Computers, 31(4), 349-371. doi:10.1093/iwc/iwz016

Cowan, B. R., Doyle, P., Edwards, J., Garaialde, D., Hayes-Brady, A., Branigan, H. P., ... Clark, L. (2019). What's in an accent? The impact of accented synthetic speech on lexical choice in human-machine dialogue. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces - CUI '19 (pp. 1-8). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/3342775.3342786

[Honourable Mention] Clark, L., Munteanu, C., Wade, V., Cowan, B. R., Pantidi, N., ... Garaialde, D., Murad, C. (2019). What makes a good conversation? challenges in designing truly conversational agents. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors In Computing Systems - CHI '19, 112. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.

Future Output - In Preparation or Under Review

Garaialde, D., Edwards, J., Coyle, D. (In Preparation). Use of Dual-Process Theories in HCI: A Scoping Review. Computers in Human Behaviour.

Garaialde, D., Cooney, O., Reverdy, J., O'Connor Russel, S., Harte, N., Rintel, S., & Cowan, B. R. (In Preparation). Understanding the Experience of Tutorials Through Videoconferencing: A Tutor and Student Perspective. TOCHI.

Doyle, P. R., Gessinger, I., Edwards, J., Clark, L., Dumbleton, O., Garaialde, D., ... Cowan, B. R. (Submitted). The Partner Modelling Questionnaire: A validated self-report measure of perceptions toward machines as dialogue partners. ACM CHI 2024.

Didion, J., Garaialde, D., & Coyle, D. (In Preparation). Judgement and the Feeling of Agency When Instructing a Computer to Act. ACM CHI 2024.

Mildner, T., Clark, L., Doyle, P., Edwards, J., Garaialde, D., ... Cooney, O. (Under Revision). A Thematic Analysis of Ethical Caveats of Conversational User Interfaces According To Experts and Frequent Users. ACM CHI 2024.

Edwards, J.,Janssen, C., Gould, S., Garaialde, D., Cowan, B. R. (In preparation). Speech Interruptions and Natural Breakpoints in Continuous Complex Tasks. JEP-Applied.


Behaviour Change and Future of Work Symposium: October 2022

NUI Travelling Studentship Grant for PhD Education: November 2017

UCD iSchool PhD Scholarship

Roles & Responsibilities

Committee Member & Representative

Conference & Journal Reviewer

Additional Skills

Programming Proficiency: Highly proficient in coding languages including Python, PHP, JavaScript, and R. Also proficient in HTML, CSS, and MySQL.

Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: Proven ability to work across disciplines, exhibited through various research projects and consultancy roles, integrating design, user-experience methods, computer science and programming skills, along with mixed-methods research approaches.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: Member of the ADAPT GEDI committee, and involved in the delivery of an annual survey to find key issues faced by members of the institution so we can develop support systems for them. Also engaged with a diverse student body through lecturing, tutoring, and mentoring roles, always fostering an inclusive learning environment, due to my extensive experience teaching and supervising the highly multicultural HCI Masters programme.

Industry Engagement: Frequently collaborated with industry partners like Microsoft Ireland and a San Francisco-based EdTech startup Cerego, illustrating a bridge between academic research and practical industry solutions.

Mixed-Methods Research Proficiency: Extensive experience in qualitative and quantitative research methods, encompassing interviews, behavioural experiments, and data analysis, contributing to a well-rounded research skill set.

Professional Community Engagement: Active involvement in professional communities, as evidenced by roles as Associate Chair for CHI 2022 & 2023, ADAPT Citizen Assembly, and HCI @ UCD Seminars Organiser, showcasing engagement in research professional communities outside the university setting.

English Proficiency: Having lived in Dublin since primary school, I have a native level of english fluency, both written and verbal.